Bob and Sharen

Bob and Sharen

Friday, November 11, 2011

My Cry for Renewal, "Keep the Lights On!!"

     Whenever there is decline, out from the midst of the faltering          church comes cry for renewal. Either by renewal of a lost virtue        from with in, or by fragments that emerge to themselves carry the       light, the work goes on!                                                                         
     Fickleness of humans, then sometimes unfriendly world, always  tempting, seducing world, she has failed often in                 maintaing her Glory and Holding unto her first love.                                                                                                       
   Church, keep the Light on!! Don't back down. Keep the fire and the Glory! The World is always changing, but God has never                     changed.We are not to be conformed to this old world. Our world is  Heavenly, one that fadeth not away.                                                     
       "Will you dare to be different in a sin loving world, will you         stand for the one who stood for you, though they call you old fashion, when you mention His name, it doesn't matter if to him you have         been true. It doesn't matter what the world may say or do, it doesn't    matter just as long as your heart is true, you'll be rewarded for the     way God thinks of you. It doesn't matter if to Him you have been         true. 

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